
A Brief Explanation of Umbrella Review

An umbrella review is a review of systematic reviews or meta-analyses. They may also be called overviews of reviews, reviews of reviews, summaries of systematic reviews, or syntheses of reviews. It compiles all the evidence from existing reviews on a topic to give a high level overview. Umbrella reviews are among the highest levels of evidence currently available in medicine. An umbrella review is commonly conducted when there are multiple competing interventions for a condition. An overview of reviews about each of these interventions can be useful in determining how to best translate the evidence into practice. By summarizing information from multiple overview articles, umbrella reviews make it easier to review the evidence and allow for comparison of results between each of the individual reviews. Like many other reviews, the aim of an umbrella study is to determine what is known on a topic, what remains unknown, and recommendations are made for what requires further research

How to Install VOSViewer

 1. Go to download site here . Choose the download link according to your operating system (I use Windows). The file is a .zip (compressed) file. 2. Go to your download folder, and extract the VOSviewer zip file to a directory of your choice. 3. After that, go to the extracted directory and click VOSviewer.exe file. Your installation is finished!

How to Install Publish or Perish (PoP), Academic Publication Analyzing Tool for Researcher

 Publish or Perish is a tool for researchers that is used to search and retrieve academic publication, and analyzes them according to a few metrics. The name of this software is a phrase quite known by academic researchers ( "Publish or Perish" on Wikipedia ).  This tool is often used  by academics to measure their research impact, and also used to measure research impact of other researcher's publication in a process to, for example, writing a literature review. For more information about this tool, you can visit the official website here . How to Install Publish or Perish on Windows 1. Go to the download link here , and scroll down until you see "Download Information", and click "Publish or Perish for Windows". Wait for the download to be finished.   2. Click the download file, and you will see the installation UI. The installation process is quite straightforward and standard, just follow the instruction in the UI and you're good.        Check t

A Brief Explanation of Literature Review

Literature Review is a type of academic article. Literature Review is a survey of scholarly articles / sources in a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge in a certain field. Literature review can be published as a stand-alone article, or as a section of a scholarly work, such as an article, thesis, or dissertation.  Common characteristics of a literature reviews are that it reviews published literature, implying that included materials possess some degree of permanence and, possibly, have been subject to a peer-review process. Generally, a literature review involves some process for identifying materials for potential inclusion—whether or not requiring a formal literature search—for selecting included materials, for synthesizing them in textual, tabular or graphical form and for making some analysis of their contribution or value.   common characteristics are that a literature review reviews published literature, implying that included materials possess s

How to Install Mendeley : Mendeley Desktop, Web Plugin, and MS Word Plugin

 As a researcher, one need to manage their references and citations in an effective way. They also need to write bibliography on their articles or papers. Mendeley is a tool to help that task. Mendeley is a reference manager and academic social network that can help researchers organize their research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.  In this blogpost, I will try to explain how to install Mendeley on Windows Operating System step-by-step. We will also install the Mendeley plugin for Firefox (available also for other major web browser), and plugin for Microsoft Word, so we can insert citations and generate bibliography easily. Let's begin.  Installing Mendeley Desktop 1. Go to the download site,  here . 2. Click on "Download now for Windows" (if you are using other operating system, click the one appropriate for you), and download the file to your selected download folder.       3. While downloading, the following page will appear. If you


Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering mendengar terjadinya perpecahan, bahkan pertumpahan darah antara sesama saudara atau kerabat dalam masalah memperebutkan harta waris. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, jauh sebelumnya, Allah SWT telah mempersiapkan dan menciptakan tentang aturan-aturan membagi harta waris secara adil dan baik. Hamba Allah diwajibkan melaksanakan hukum-Nya dalam dalam semua aspek kehidupan. A. KETENTUAN MAWARIS 1. Pengertian. Dalam mawaris terdapat beberapa istilah antara lain : a. Mawaris menurut bahasa berasal dari bentuk jamak miratsun, mauruts yang dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna peninggalan orang meninggal yang diwariskan kepada ahli warisnya . Mawaris juga sering disebut dengan ilmu faraid yang secara bahasa dari jamak faradah , yang dalam konteks ilmu mawaris adalah ilmu yang telah ditetapkan oleh syara’. Sedangkan ilmu Mawaris sendiri dapat diartikan ilmu untuk mengetahui orang yang berhak nenerima harta pusaka / warisan , orang yang dapat menerima warisan , kad

Pernikahan dalam Islam

 A.    KETENTUAN HUKUM ISLAM TENTANG PERNIKAHAN             1.     Pengertian                Munakahat  berarti pernikahan atau perkawinan. Menurut bahasa Indonesia, kata nikah berarti berkumpul atau bersatu. Dalam istilah  syariat , nikah itu berarti melakukan suatu akad atau perjanjian untuk mengikatkan diri antara seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan serta menghasilkan hubungan kelamin antara keduanya dengan suka rela dan persetujuan bersama, demi terwujudnya keluarga (rumah tangga) bahagia, yang di ridai oleh Allah SWT.            2.  Hukum Nikah               Menurut sebagian besar ulama, hukum nikah pada dasarnya adalah mubah, boleh dikerjakan dan boleh ditinggalkan.  Hukum nikah dapat berubah menjadi sunah, wajib, makruh, atau haram. Penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:       1.  Sunah             Bagi orang yang ingin menikah, mampu menikah, dan mampu pula mengendalikan diri dari perzinaan, walaupun tidak segera menikah, maka hukum nikah adal